Yifan Yin

JHU Computer Science

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Welcome to my site! I am an incoming Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Professor Tianmin Shu. My research interests are in the areas of embodied AI, human robot interaction and robotic perception.

Before my Ph.D., I completed my M.S.E. degree with a major in Robotics in the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics at Hopkins, under the supervision of Professor Russell Taylor and Professor Emad Boctor. There, I conducted research on robotic perception and manipulation in medical applications.

I love involving in creative work or exploring the depth on interesting topics. Also, I am always opened to meet incredible collaborators. If you’re interested, feel free to send me an email!

Academic Life

Work Experience

Computer Vision Internship
PediaMetrix, Rockville, MD
July. 2023 - Present

  • Developed and implemented a machine learning based classifier for statistical prediction of types of skull abnormalities, obtained a sensitivity of 94.6% and specificity of 99.3%.
  • Working on the improvement of the 3D reconstruction pipeline for cranial shape modeling with smart phone cameras by utilizing image processing, image registration, foreground estimation, instance segmentation techniques.

Research Assistant – Visual Perception and Robotics
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics, Johns Hopkins University
Feb. 2022 – July. 2023

  • Working on the visual perception of a micro-dissection system using ROS, camera calibrations, object detection, feature extraction, semantic segmentation, visual-servoing control and perception systems
  • Designed and implemented calibration-free visual servos for robot homing and surface safe approaching to save operation time by ~37% using key-point detection, feature extraction and finite-state machines
  • Developed a ROS service for the subpixel level detection and localization of the robot tooltip to improve the accuracy of hand-eye calibration by ~14% using key-point detection algorithms (Mask R-CNN)
  • Designed and implemented a 2D domain randomization pipeline for data augmentation and image label refinements, capable of generating ~800 images per minute with supplied backgrounds
  • Developed a 3D domain randomization to generate simulated images from different camera views using Unity 3D simulation, and perform domain adaptation to transfer those images into real domain using Cycle GAN
  • Maintained data stream organization by developing a framework for integrated data management during network training, inference and evaluation


Ro-robotic Ultrasound Mammography
May. 2022 – May. 2023

  • Built an ultrasound auto-scanning robot manipulator system for the diagnosis and varification of the breast cancer with ROS, kinematics, motion planning, camera calibration, image registration, visual servoing, robot control
  • Performed accurate camera calibration, ultrasound calibration and pivot calibration, which achieved an overall system accuracy of <4mm in vision-guided robot manipulations
  • Designed and implemented image processing and segmentation algorithms for the localization and segmentation of the lesion areas in ultrasound images using classical and deep-learning based methods
  • Developed an automatic camera calibration algorithm that demonstrated to save a calibration time of over 80%
  • Implemented visual guided motion planning algorithms that are capable of finding jump-free paths in ~99% of time with ROS, rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT), stereo cameras, MoveIt, Aruco markers
  • Implemented control algorithms for approaching scanning regions and performing ultrasound scanning ‘Wobble motion’ with ROS, kinematics and resolved-rate control algorithms

Trajectory Planning and Medical Data Visualization in Ultrasound-Based Facet Joint Injection
Mar. 2022 – June. 2022

  • Built a Head-Mounted Augmented Reality application for assisting lesion localization, surgical planning and trajectory visualization during facet joint injections using C# programming, Unity 3D, TCP communication; awarded the Honorary Mentioned Demo in final presentation
  • Designed and built AR scenes for augmenting a virtual monitor that displays slices of the preoperative lumbar spine images (CT/MRI) in real-time as scanning the patient’s back with a registered tool
  • Added intuitive user interfaces for viewing image/text records for each injection target under previous clinical visits for intraoperative reference using Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK)
  • Implemented a data management system for the generation, storage and extraction of clinical records using C# and object-oriented programming, capable of saving/invoking one record within 0.3ms
  • Designed and implemented a TCP communication pipeline between HoloLens2 and the operation computers for efficient transfer of preoperative medical images
  • Developed algorithms for the planning and visualization of injection trajectories, giving an error of smaller than 2mm
  • Improved depth perception during alignment of surigical tools with planned trajectories by augmenting a window on the patient’s skin that can look virtually inside the body at injection target positions

Game Playing of ‘Flappy Bird’ with Double Deep Q Network
Nov. 2021 – Dec. 2021

  • Designed and implemented an intelligent agent that can play the game ‘Flappy Bird’ forever using deep Q reinforcement learning, image processing, Markov Decision Process, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
  • Constructed convolutional neural network models from scratch for game action classifications at each frame with an AUC of 0.85+ using the PyTorch framework
  • Added time-varying reward settings to the Markov Decision Process to avoid convergence of the neural networks to extreme solutions and brought a ~2000 epochs earlier convergence
  • Added an image preprocessing pipeline to ~26% decrease computational cost of training neural networks
  • Enhanced performance by 10% to 12% using Double Deep-Q networks and Experience Replay buffers


*. Enabling Mammography with Co-Robotic Ultrasound

Chen, Y., Yin, Y., Brown, J., Wang, K., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Taylor, R. H., Wu, Y., & Boctor, E. M. (2023). Enabling Mammography with Co-Robotic Ultrasound. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10309.

*. Applications of Uncalibrated Image Based Visual Servoing in Micro-and Macroscale Robotics

Y. Yin, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, R. H. Taylor and B. P. Vagvolgyi, “Applications of Uncalibrated Image Based Visual Servoing in Micro- and Macroscale Robotics,” 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260445.